Explanation a Dance Leotard & a Gymnastics Leotard?
Dance coach and gym teacher can be very specific about what they want out students. Although sportswear is similar, defines the difference between the shirts can be tricky.
Princeton University defines as tight shirts, woven garment in one piece elastic than his body from shoulders to feet covered. By definition, dance and gymnastics jersey very similar, but the designs, fabrics, colors and shapes are slightly different.
dance elements are usually made of cotton or nylon. You're with spaghetti straps or a band-shaped tanks, the neck with movement. You can short and long sleeves. mirrors traditional ballet students require a simple, wear white, pink or black tights. Dance shirts, a ballerina or a skirt are attached, and tend to be decorated with ruffles or lace or gym uniforms.
gym shirts, nylon, velvet, spandex or polyester. Knits are narrow, with a high collar. They have long arms and tank strap thickness. competition shirts are generally clear and Bejeweled Stine Rhine or sequins. gymnastics are designed with patterns leotards.